Ko Phangan

Home/Tag: Ko Phangan

Thailand plans tourism restart on selected islands

Thailand plans to restart tourism on selected islands: As part of a pilot project, the Thai Ministry of Tourism is planning to open the country to international tourists. Despite the fact that there are still [...]

Corona: International tourism in Thailand only from October 2020?

Due to the corona virus, the government in Thailand has stopped the entry of foreigners for the time being. There is increasing evidence that tourism in Thailand will not be possible before October 2020. As [...]

Thailand is seeing fewer foreign tourists

Is tourism in Thailand weakening? Recently, fewer foreign holidaymakers have come to Thailand. Above all, it is tourists from China who no longer spend their holidays in Thailand in as large a number as usual. [...]

By |2019-10-29T15:54:00+01:0029. October 2019|Categories: Tourism|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Top beach on Ko Phangan: Haad Rin Beach

One of the top beaches on Ko Phangan: Haad Rin Beach in the southeast of Ko Phangan, the smaller sister island of Ko Samui in the Gulf of Thailand. Thailand is known for its dream [...]

Life in paradise: This is how Germans live in Thailand

Many Germans emigrate to Thailand every year. But what is life like in Thailand? Those who emigrate to Thailand live in paradise, have significantly lower living costs than in Europe and of course only have [...]

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