Tourism sector

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Thai government expects over 20 million tourists in 2023

Tourism boom in Thailand: The Thai government expects over 20 million international tourists in 2023 and is counting on a rapid recovery of the tourism sector. Thailand has been completely open to international tourism again [...]

By |2023-01-22T21:02:07+01:0022. January 2023|Categories: Economy, General, Tourism|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Ko Samui: Tui cruise ship “Mein Schiff 5” moors at Nathon Pier

Ko Samui: Tui cruise ship 'Mein Schiff 5' moors at Nathon Pier on January 14, 2023 with over 3,000 cruise tourists from Europe on board. The 2023 cruise season on Ko Samui has officially opened. [...]

Tourism industry in Thailand: Recovery not expected until 2026

According to experts, the tourism industry in Thailand could only recover significantly from the corona pandemic from 2026. The Thai government is also assuming a similar time horizon. The tourism industry in Thailand is one [...]

Corona case numbers in Thailand are increasing significantly: tourism restart in danger?

Thailand is currently recording a rapid increase in new corona infections. With over 1,300 new cases in 24 hours, Thailand is currently recording more new corona cases than at any time since the pandemic began. [...]

Thailand: Full opening for international tourism expected from October 2021

Thailand: Full opening for international tourism expected from October 2021. If the corona pandemic in Thailand remains under control, all corona restrictions could then also be ended. Again positive news from Bangkok: After there is [...]

Thailand vacation at the end of 2020: luxury quarantine for long-term tourists

The time has come: Thailand will partially open its borders to foreign tourists. Late 2020 Thailand vacation with luxury quarantine for long term tourists. The Thai government decided last month that Thailand will open up [...]

Corona in Thailand: border opening before 2021 rather unlikely

Corona in Thailand: border opening before 2021 rather unlikely - an autumn or winter holiday in Thailand does not seem to be possible at the moment. According to the Robert Koch Institute and the Federal [...]

Corona consequences in Thailand: 80 percent fewer tourists expected in 2020

Corona consequences in Thailand: 80 percent fewer tourists expected in 2020 - Thailand's tourism industry is in a deep crisis. The past year 2019 was a record year for Thai tourism. With around 40 million [...]

Thailand Tourism: Around 850,000 German guests in 2017

Thailand tourism: Around 850,000 German guests traveled to Thailand in 2017. This corresponds to an increase of around 1.3 percent compared to the previous year. Thailand is still one of the most popular holiday destinations [...]

By |2018-03-10T16:00:00+01:0010. March 2018|Categories: Ko Phangan, Ko Samui, Pattaya|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Thailand highlights for backpackers and individualists

Are you planning a trip to Thailand? Here you will find numerous Thailand highlights and tips for backpackers and individualists. What is the best way to travel in Thailand? And what should you definitely have [...]

By |2017-04-16T14:03:00+02:0016. April 2017|Categories: Beach and sea, Emigration, Tourism|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments
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