Planning emigration

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Thailand 2023 prices and changes for living and holidays in Thailand

Thailand 2023 Prices and changes for living and vacationing in Thailand: This is how expensive Thailand will be in 2023 in terms of accommodation and living expenses for emigrants and vacationers. Practically everything is [...]

Thailand & Corona: Shortened quarantine for vaccinated people

Thailand & Corona: Shortened quarantine for vaccinated people - Thailand is gradually opening up to foreign tourists and emigrants if they have already received a corona vaccination. It has been very difficult for foreigners to [...]

Despite the corona pandemic, emigration to Thailand is still possible

Despite Corona, Thailand is a popular emigration destination for Germans. Even though the number of emigrants from Thailand has dropped significantly during the Corona pandemic: Despite Corona, emigration is still possible. It's February and in [...]

Corona consequences in Thailand: 80 percent fewer tourists expected in 2020

Corona consequences in Thailand: 80 percent fewer tourists expected in 2020 - Thailand's tourism industry is in a deep crisis. The past year 2019 was a record year for Thai tourism. With around 40 million [...]

Germans in Pattaya – Documentary about life in the Gulf of Thailand

German emigrants in Pattaya southeast of Bangkok - Documentary about life on the Gulf of Thailand. Several thousand Germans now live in the region around Pattaya. What is life like in Pattaya, Thailand? The city [...]

Living in Thailand as a pensioner

More and more pensioners are moving abroad. Thailand is now also a popular destination for German-speaking pensioners. The reasons why more and more retirees are drawn to Thailand include the warm temperatures and, of course, [...]

German pensioners in Thailand

Warm and cheap: German pensioners are increasingly migrating to Thailand and spending their retirement in paradise. The weather in Thailand is better than in Mallorca and the cost of living is significantly cheaper than in [...]

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